Your Personal Best!
Onsite seminar develops more positive workplace attitudes.
Inspire self-motivation
Focus knowledge and expertise
Create a more positive and productive work environment.
This all-new workshop centers on the human need for having a positive attitude toward self, family, work and life. This training helps people work together, focus knowledge and expertise to achieve their greatest potential and create a positive, productive work environment.
When people are self-motivated, they perform at their highest level.
Motivation must come from inside the individual. External motivators such as money, fear of losing your job, or stimulants to the body are all short term in nature and require frequent reinforcement which can be disappointing and costly.
Employees perform at their highest level when they are self-motivated and have a positive workplace attitude. Plus, their positive attitude influences people around them with their high spirit and positive outlook on life. To achieve positive attitude, people must first want to be at this level, then constantly work at it until it becomes a natural part of your character.
Creating a positive, high energy workplace is everyone’s responsibility.
This training workshop will “wake up” or confirm your positive attitude. Participants in this training learn how to find, keep and maintain a lifestyle that starts and ends each day with a positive outlook. Once achieved, the negative influences that surround us each day are easier to overcome and only last a short time.
This highly interactive course includes experiential exercises and self evaluations that help individuals develop an open mind and mindset to be more productive and build a more meaningful and happy life.
Who Should Attend
This workshop is for anyone who wants to create a positive, high energy workplace and learn how to find, keep and maintain a lifestyle that starts and ends each day with a positive outlook.
Training Benefits
This is a life skills training course that is being taught within the workplace. All human needs involve self, work, family and social needs. The workplace is the center of the economic means that allow individuals to have the ability to satisfy their other need in life.
This course is designed to bring out the critical importance of having a positive attitude to cope with the turbulent world we live in. By creating a stronger “inner armor” made up of positive feelings and thoughts, especially in the workplace, the individual can increase their personal productivity. These positive feelings and thoughts develop a concern for doing things right and influencing those around them. The end result is an employee with a concern for customer satisfaction and a stronger commitment to improve performance.
Overview of Topics and Learning Points Developed
- Module 1: Origins and influences of attitudes ( 2 hours)
Team exercise: External negative influences
How we decide to react to negative influences
Individual activity: Measuring current attitude
- Module 2: Overcoming negative influences (2 hours)
Personal action plan
Team exercise: Negative influences in the workplace
Personal response to negative influences
Changing our environment at work and home
Individual activity: “Life’s Balance”
- Module 3: Creating and maintaining a positive attitude (1.5 hours)
Individual activity: “I know you, you won’t change” is a myth
Personal change plan
Team change plan
Measuring success moving forward
Typical class set up and delivery:
Maximum class size: 25 participants
Classroom set up: Teams of five per table
Training Environment: Instructor-led, participant interaction, team activities, self-evaluation, personal commitment moving forward.
For most people, these skills and behaviors do not automatically happen. This is especially true in time of crisis and uncertainty. This training can do wonders for improved workplace morale and improved performance. Creating great workplace attitudes is everyone’s job.
For more information call us at 1-877-385-5515
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