Customer Service Training Course Directory


Learn Customer Care Skills to Achieve "World Class" Customer Service. 

These interactive customer service workshops and webinars are for companies who want to create a strong service culture that builds loyal relationships with customers and a better environment for their employees.

Our training sessions help organizations define company-wide customer service standards, implement strategies for effective service communication, and effectively solve customer service problems. Delivering exceptional customer service is key to business growth and team success.

Customer Service Training that works!

Our onsite CSR training and our CSR Webinars provide more than a list of do’s and don’ts. Through interactive exercises, cases and experiential activities, participants discover practical ways to hold on to your valuable customer base and win repeat business. Practice sessions built into every course develop skills to effectively and efficiently handle all types of customer interactions.

Proven Training Solutions that Get to the Heart of the Customer Experience

All courses are available in Onsite or Webinar formats.


We train service representatives how to:

  • Create superior levels of customer satisfaction
  • Discover what the customer "really" wants
  • Ensure repeat business
  • Improve sales and "up" selling techniques
  • Put the customer at the heart of your organization
  • Deal with difficult and demanding customers effectively
  • Inspire loyalty with new and existing customers
  • and much more...


Onsite or On-Demand training to Handle Even the Most Difficult Customer Service Situations Effectively 


Our customer service training helps organizations:

  • Uncover obstacles preventing a higher level of customer service
  • Provide better customer service using telephone, email, and face-to-face communication
  • Discover new ways to overcome service obstacles
  • Implement techniques to ensure service excellence and increase customer loyalty
  • Focus service providers' efforts to achieve the results most important to the customer
  • Improve sales
  • Expand the customer base

Excellent service is the key to success. Your service representatives are expected to be courteous, knowledgeable, and efficient in every situation. You would not expect your accountants, engineers, or computer programmers to be knowledgeable, successful employees without any training. Customer service personnel need training to handle difficult customers and demanding customer service challenges of all types. Customer service training is an acquired talent requiring training.

For more information on our customer service training options, call toll free 877-385-5515.

Or you can email us at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Alliance Training and Consulting, Inc.
20210 West 93rd Street

Lenexa, KS 66220

Toll Free: 877-385-5515
Local: 913-385-5515
Fax: 913-385-3353

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Proven Employee Training and
Professional Development Solutions

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