Front Desk Security


Prepare Front Desk Personnel to Handle Situations that Could Threaten Employee and Guest Safety and Security 


This course is designed for individuals working the front desk, reception, records, night auditors, lobby staff, and volunteer service positions to understand how to handle emergencies, threats, intruders and lock down situations. The course emphasizes personal safety and being prepared for such incidents.

Participants learn how to handle natural disasters, terror threats, service disruptions, medical emergencies, fire, workplace violence and many other emergency situations.


Who Should Attend

For all front desk professionals and those individuals needing crucial skills and ‘know-how’ to protect the organization from potential security threats.


Training Benefits

  • Recognize and eliminate holes in security in the reception area
  • Spot behaviors that indicate someone intends theft, property damage or other criminal activity
  • Defuse the angry or hostile visitors and customers
  • Be aware of and control tactics that thieves use to distract and slip by you
  • Establish emergency response procedures to deal with worst-case scenarios
  • Develop a working knowledge to recognize the clues and tactics to deal with those who may be emotionally unbalanced or capable of violent acts


Overview of Training Topics and Learning Points

  • Attain the skills of how to better handle irate or aggressive individuals
  • Spot and correct weaknesses in your procedures that put you at risk
  • Develop emergency response procedures that can save lives
  • Ascertain how to control the access to your facility without being unfriendly
  • Identify the tips used to spot and defuse the potentially dangerous situation
  • Implement procedures to effectively respond to a bomb threat
  • Understand how to respond during and after a robbery
  • Learn to accept deliveries safely
  • Know how to keep intruders from slipping by you
  • Recognize how to defuse customer emotions and create positive outcomes
  • Practice real-world situations to protect the organization without putting yourself at risk
  • Profile the potentially dangerous individual
  • Understand how to control your own emotions in potentially explosive situations
  • Develop after-hour policies protecting remaining employees and your facility
  • Know how to report an emergency situation to the police
  • Practice “talking down” a threatening individual


Your members or employees would enjoy and benefit from any of our safety and security programs.

To receive more information about this training call toll free at 877-385-5515.

Or email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..