Finance and Accounting for Non-Financial Managers Overview

Finance & Accounting for Non-Financial Manager Courses 

Successful managers know how their decisions effect company profitability. The finance and accounting courses for the non-financial provide managers with essential financial knowledge for effective decision-making. Our courses equip managers with a strong foundation of financial principles and practical tools for budgeting and fiscal management. Participants learn to interpret financial information in ways that enable them to improve their management effectiveness and make a more productive corporate contribution.

Individuals participating in the finance and accounting workshops benefit from improved productivity gains through better financial analysis, elimination of guesswork, and improved accuracy of decisions, better interaction between finance and non-financial staff, and more informed decisions about strategy and budgets.

A basic understanding in finance and accounting is critical for any manager. The purpose of these courses is to create the framework for fiscally responsible decision-making.


Finance and Accounting for Non-Financial Manager Training Sample Programs

Finance and Accounting for Non-Financial Managers Finance and Accounting for Non-Financial Managers
Financial Analysis Financial Analysis
How to Develop and Administer a Budget: Budgeting for Managers 1-day seminar How to Develop and Administer a Budget: Budgeting for Managers 1-day seminar
Budgeting for Managers: 2-day seminar Budgeting for Managers


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(Explore all Finance and Accounting courses, seminars and workshops.)