How to Develop and Administer a Budget: Budgeting for Managers


Onsite budgeting skills Seminar improves financial performance and results.

  • Understand the budget process

  • Monitor costs and plan the use of resources through budgeting

  • Learn fixed cost, zero based and other budgeting tools


This onsite How to Develop and Administer a Budget seminar is designed to make budgeting process a most powerful and reliable management tool. For any successful business or business department it is essential to plan and tightly manage its financial performance. Creating a budgeting process is the most effective way to keep your business and its finances on target. This course is specifically designed to enable businesses to solve gaps and enable your business to function effectively and remain competitive.

Budget control is vital for business success. This workshop will teach how, by developing and administering a budget effectively, the performance and results in your department or organization can vastly improve, and ensuring that financial expectations and goals are consistently met.

Managers learn how to create and monitor a budget that will improve performance in their department and the organization. They discover how to use the budget process as a planning tool to consistently meet and exceed financial goals and expectations.

Using interactive discussion, case studies and practical exercises, participants learn how to determine profit margin and break-even points. They will develop skills to accurately judge the impact of expenses on projects and make forecasts on performance. Participants practice applying up-to-date rules and techniques to truly understand the realities, opportunities, and limits of the short and long-term budget process.


Train managers to use budgeting to better manage projects and processes.


This seminar outlines the advantages of developing and administering an effective budget and the steps required to do this. It suggests action points to help you manage your business' financial position more effectively and ensure your plans are practical.



Who Should Attend

This course is designed for managers who do not work in the accounting department, but need to have a good understanding of the budgeting process.


Training Benefits

  • Why it is important to budget
  • Examine the key issues when developing a budget
  • Understand the budgeting process
  • Budgeting terms and concepts made easy
  • Discuss the key monitoring tools used in the budget process
  • Review a balance sheet and how to use it in the budgeting process
  • Review performance against budget


Overview of Topics and Learning Points Developed

  • Understand the role of budgets
  • Describe the three stages of budgeting:
    • Development 
    • Enactment
    • Administration
  • Understand the numbers and language used in budgeting
  • Understand the differences between budgeting styles
    • Unit cost measures
    • Fixed cost budgeting
    • Zero based budgeting
  • Understand the provisions related to the budget process
  • Track departmental budget preparation, its approval, and administration
  • Turn a budget into a forecasting tool
  • Using a balance sheet budget to measure department or organizational success
  • Understanding the cash-flow budget and how it is used
  • What to do when there is a difference between budgeted and actual numbers


To receive more information about this training call toll free at 877-385-5515.

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