Coaching and Mentoring Skills for Leaders


Develop Skills Needed to be an Effective Coach and Mentor

Coaching and Mentoring Skills for Leaders: This is a highly interactive 1-day course for managers and supervisors who want to become better leaders by developing their coaching and mentoring skills. Developing coaching and mentoring skills is a 'must' to become a valued leader. One of the most important responsibilities of leadership is developing employees so they perform at higher levels. This challenges leaders to provide continual feedback and coaching to help employees understand how to meet and exceed important performance standards.

A closely related leadership responsibility is to mentor employees so they more fully understand the organization's vision, mission, values and culture. This engages employees at a deeper level, encourages them to pursue a career in the organization and helps it develop and retain its critical human capital.


Who Should Attend

Supervisors and managers who want to gain the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed to be successful in coaching and mentoring their employees.


Training Benefits

  • Improved supervisory confidence in guiding and encouraging employees to achieve at higher levels
  • Improved employee confidence to take on challenging work assignments;
  • Fewer employee mistakes and problems stemming from poor learning and motivation
  • Greater employee initiative to solve problems and develop their skills on their own
  • An increased number of employees with increased abilities and desire to take on greater responsibilities
  • Describe how continual coaching and feedback benefits the organization and its employees
  • List the key principles of adult learning and demonstrate how they apply to giving feedback and coaching
  • Apply the essential skills of coaching effectively
  • Explain the mentoring process, how it benefits the organization and how it’s provided to employees
  • Engage employees and enable them to pursue their own process of growth and self-development


Overview of Training Topics and Learning Points

Section One - Laying the Foundation for Giving Effective Feedback and Coaching

  • Why feedback and coaching matter to the organization, the supervisor and the employee
  • Understanding the differences between tasks, standards, expectations and goals
  • Using Bloom’s Taxonomy of Learning and the ADD approach (Analyze, Design, Develop) to develop effective coaching strategies
  • What adult learning principles are and why they are essential to use in feedback and coaching
  • Four essential coaching skills: diagnostic listening, strategic questioning, wisdom sharing and giving effective feedback
  • Identifying the most important traits needed to be an effective coach
  • Understanding employee communication styles, learning styles and motivation

Section Two - Essential Skills of Feedback and Coaching

  • The essentials of verbal, voice and visual communication
  • Giving reinforcing feedback using the BET (Behavior, Expectation, Thank you) approach
  • Giving corrective feedback using the LB/NT (Like Best/Next Time) approach
  • Using Monroe's Motivated Sequence to capture the employee’s attention
  • How to coach employees using a four-step approach
  • How to use questions to facilitate learning rather than lecture and demonstration exclusively
  • Using active listening effectively to adjust to employees’ needs and concerns
  • Techniques for reinforcing learning that provide greater retention of knowledge and skills
  • How to hold employees accountable to meet performance standards in a positive way
  • How to evaluate the effectiveness of your coaching in attaining improved performance

Section Three – Planning and Implementing Effective Mentoring

  • Understanding the differences between coaching and mentoring
  • Defining the mentor’s role and the mentee’s role in the mentoring process
  • Creating an Individual Development Plan and a Mentoring Agreement
  • Describing the organization’s vision, mission, values and culture to mentees in practical terms
  • Guiding mentees to understand how to network and follow the unwritten rules of the organization
  • How to provide helpful career advice without becoming a patron or “door opener”
  • Essential goal setting methods for helping employees to keep developing their skills

Delivery Methods: The following delivery methods are designed into the program:

  • Brief presentations plus numerous individual, small-group and large-group activities
  • Facilitated real-world applications including case studies, business games and role plays


 To receive more information about this training, call toll free at 877-385-5515.

You may also email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..






Alliance Training and Consulting, Inc.
20210 West 93rd Street

Lenexa, KS 66220

Toll Free: 877-385-5515
Local: 913-385-5515
Fax: 913-385-3353

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